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Plug & Propagation Trays


Our plug and propagation trays are precision-engineered to exact tolerances.

Whether you need to hand-stick rooted cuttings or sow millions of seeds using the latest automated equipment for healthy propagation, we can offer you the levels of consistent precision and repeatable performance you need.

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At East Jordan Plastics, our plug trays:

  • Plug trays include round, square, hexagonal, and octagonal cells as well as common-element (CE) options suitable for automation, endless-thermoformed, vented or non-vented options, precision-punched, precision-trimmed, and soil-saver version features.
  • Propagation trays include heavy-duty, deep cells, air pruning, vented, and hydroponic features.
  • Have uniform wall thickness that provides strong corners and bottoms.
  • Are designed for easy de-nesting.
Plug & Propagation Trays

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